Many typical American English names have "bad" double meanings that can get you teased at school. Read on for names to watch out for. Bad factor indicates teasing potential.
Herb ♂
Slang meaning MarijuanaBad factor: Bad in middle and high school. Technically, the H is pronounced in the boy's name and silent in the slang, but this is unlikely to stop teenagers from making the connection.
Famous namesake: Photographer Herb Ritts
John ♂
Slang meaning: Customer of a prostituteBad factor: Not bad. Most people wouldn't make that association.
Famous namesake: Actor John Travolta and a large percentage of the male English speaking population
John Thomas ♂
Slang meaning: Penis.Bad factor: Not bad. Kind of old fashioned as slang.
Famous namesake: Toronto Raptors basketballer John Thomas
Johnson ♂
Slang meaning: Penis.Bad factor: A little bad, but how many people use Johnson as their first name?
Famous namesake: Basketball legend Magic Johnson (not his first name either, but it goes well with "magic", don't you think?)
Mary Jane ♀
Slang meaning: MarijuanaBad factor: Okay in elementary school, unfortunate in middle school or high school
Famous namesake: Spiderman's girlfriend Mary Jane Watson
Nancy ♀
Slang meaning: feminine gay manBad factor: Okay. It is only an insult when used about men and it's a girl's name. Also that slang is old-fashioned, so most kids wouldn't know it.
Famous namesake: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
Peter ♂
Slang meaning: Penis.Bad factor: Not bad, and many people with this name go by "Pete."
Famous namesake: Actor Peter Dinklage
Patsy ♀
Slang meaning: The victim of a dishonest scheme, or the person who is forced to take responsibility for a crime.Bad factor: Not bad. Unless they are big fans of film noir, kids don't know the double meaning.
Famous namesake: Singer Patsy Cline
Pansy ♀
Slang meaning: feminine gay manBad factor: Okay. Like Nancy, it is only an insult when used about men and it's a girl's name. Also that slang is old-fashioned, so most kids wouldn't know it.
Famous namesake: Gay punk-pop band Pansy Division
Priss, Prissy (short form of Priscilla) ♀
Slang meaning: Overly concerned about getting dirty.Bad factor: Not bad. Probably not an issue after elementary school.
Famous namesake: Prissy Presley
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