Definition: (verb phrase) laughing out loud
Example: So after I put a snake down Tim’s pants, I got out the video camera, LOL!
“I have enjoyed working on the blog, even though it takes a bit of time. I also think it’s amusing in a way because I feel like I’m on some reality television show on MTV…lol.”
Apparently, you can teach an old dog new tricks. A few years ago, I was astonished to learn that my mother (who is in her seventies) had mastered the internet, which she uses primarily for such important activities as shopping and forwarding jokes.
However, as up-to-date as she is, Mom has nothing on Boston’s super cool Cardinal. The hipster priest speaks six languages—seven if you count internet cute-speak. He been blogging about his trip to Rome at and his online diary is peppered with pop culture references, smiley-face emoticons and LOLs. And if that’s not unusual enough for someone in his postion, he also just goes by one name (Cardinal Sean) like Madonna and Cher.
I suppose you could attribute his laid back grooviness to the fact that he is nine years younger than Mom, but I think it has more to do with his spending several years serving the church as a bishop in St. Thomas (Virgin Islands) and later in Palm Beach, Florida. Nice work if you can get it! Maybe he’s had so many beachfront assignments because as a Capuchin friar, he always wears sandals.